STRINGLX “String Utilities lexfile”. SIZE: 837 bytes. This package of string functions was originally intended to be part of the built-in BASIC, but was left out due to memory constraints. • TRIM$ trims spaces (or any other specified character) off the ends of a string, whereas • LTRIM$ trims only the left end, and • RTRIM$ trims only the right end. • LWC$ and its alias • LWRC$ both convert a string to lowercase. • MEMBER searches a string for any one of a given set of characters. • SPAN searches a string for the first character which is not a member of a given set of characters. • REV$ reverses the byte order of a string. • ROT$ rotates the bytes in a string any number of times in either direction. • RPT$ repeats a string. • SBIT and • SBIT$ let you test, toggle, set or clear any bit or byte in a string. *** STRINGLX *** (31898) File Header (319DB) Poll Handler (31A15) 52/08 LTRIM$($,?$) (31B0B) 52/0E LWC$($) (31B0B) 52/0D LWRC$($) (31B77) 52/11 MEMBER($,$,?#) (31AFD) 52/0C REV$($) (31D11) 52/0F ROT$($,#) (31C67) 52/0B RPT$($,#) (31A23) 52/09 RTRIM$($,?$) (31D99) 52/12 SBIT$($,#,?#,?#) (31EC6) 52/13 SBIT($,#,#) (31B6B) 52/10 SPAN($,$,?#) (31A2E) 52/0A TRIM$($,?$) (31F46) Next File Header